Findmy is a Norwegian company that develops tracking for livestock. Findmy offers a varied selection of tracking products for your animals and grazing areas. Together with you, we ensure good animal welfare and sustainable food production.
The co-founders and owners are Norwegian sheepfarmers.

Marit is a sheepfarmer from the mountains of Norway in Kvikne, together with her husband Arnstein. Marit has a big heart for her animals. She has played an important role to find good solutions for getting a safe grazing period for the sheep.
Marit is Findmy`s CEO and she travells alot out to speak with the farmers, students politicans and the press.

Arnstein got married into a family with sheep. In 2009 Arnstein and his wife Marit built a new sheephouse. The same year they also lost 23% of their lambs during the grazing period in the mountains.
His big engagement in findming a good soulution of their problem was and still is huge- In the solution was Findmy. Arnstein is working as a COO in Findmy.

Halvor is born and raised on a sheepfarm in Kvikne. He is also Marits younger brother. He is enganged in the animal welfare.
In Findmy Halvor is working as the CTO.

Elin is a sheepfarmer and has just recent built a new sheep house together with her husband.
In Findmy Elin is the Head of Finance and she has control over Findmy`s employee and the office. She is a hardworking woman.t.

Eystein has been growing up at sheepfarm. Eystein have for several years owned and been running a trotting stable. He has trained horses and he has been breeding alot of good racing horses,
In Findmy Eystein is working as an senior advisor and is responisble for Findmy`s customers.

Anne Laila grown up on a diary farm in Kvikne. Today Anne Laila and her husband has their own diary farm.
In Findmy Anne Laila is working as an advisor. She is supporting our customers.

Sivert is born and raised in Kvikne. He grew up on a farm, breeding and traning horses. In addition to his studies, Sivert works with us in Findmy
In Findmy Sivert works with consulting and advising customers.

In Findmy Håvard is working as a software developer.

Ivar is born in the southern parts of Norway, but lives just north of Trondheim. His experience of supervising the herd in kindergarden comes in handy when herding the sheeps.
In Findmy Ivar works as a software developer with main focus on user experience (UX/UI).